Broadcasts from 2023 (Page 2)

Broadcasts from 2023 (Page 2)

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James 1:19-25 Part 1

It is the language of mortification. putting sin to death, casting it away and killing it. Quoting John Owen, “if you are not killing sin, it will be killing you.” All of these things that you have been saved from, must be rid form you life.
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James 1:12-18 Part 4

There never has been and there never will be a time when God is inclined to sin, to entice us to sin, He never an ulterior motive. He never works to undermine our faith. He is always working to build up our faith, and God cannot be tempted with evil, and he never tempts anyone.
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James 1:12-18 Part 3

There never has been and there never will be a time when God is inclined to sin, to entice us to sin, He never an ulterior motive. He never works to undermine our faith. He is always working to build up our faith, and God cannot be tempted with evil, and he never tempts anyone.
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James 1:9-11 Part 2

you are raised up with him and seated with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus so that in the coming ages he might show you the immeasurable riches of his grace and kindness to you. That is who you are. Whatever your financial status that is who you are.
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James 1:9-11 Part 1

you are raised up with him and seated with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus so that in the coming ages he might show you the immeasurable riches of his grace and kindness to you. That is who you are. Whatever your financial status that is who you are.
assorted books on brown wooden shelf

John 14 Part 2

Do not let your hearts be troubled, how do we do this by hoping in God, and trusting in me… Then he delivers this promise, “in my Father’s house are many rooms.” The Father’s house, in my Father’s home. There is something sweet is there not about going home.
assorted books on brown wooden shelf

John 14 Part 1

Do not let your hearts be troubled, how do we do this by hoping in God, and trusting in me… Then he delivers this promise, “in my Father’s house are many rooms.” The Father’s house, in my Father’s home. There is something sweet is there not about going home.