Broadcasts on sin

Broadcasts on sin

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James 5:19-20 Part 2

There are times when there is a catastrophic shift, but most often when we find someone has walked away it is typically a series of small almost imperceptible, certainly incremental that have led them to where they are.
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James 5:19-20 Part 1

There are times when there is a catastrophic shift, but most often when we find someone has walked away its typically a series of small almost imperceptible, certainly incremental that have led them to where they are.
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James 5:12 Part 2

When you make an oath in the name of God you absolutely must keep it.
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James 5:12 Part 1

When you make an oath in the name of God you absolutely must keep it.
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James 4:11-12 Part 2

James understands the centrality of the ethic of love among believers. How crucial it is as a test of genuine faith. You simply cannot claim to know God and hate your brother.
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James 4:11-12 Part 1

James understands the centrality of the ethic of love among believers. How crucial it is as a test of genuine faith. You simply cannot claim to know God and hate your brother.
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James 1:19-25 Part 1

It is the language of mortification. putting sin to death, casting it away and killing it. Quoting John Owen, “if you are not killing sin, it will be killing you.” All of these things that you have been saved from, must be rid form you life.