Broadcasts on The Church

Broadcasts on The Church

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1 Corinthians 15:1-11 Part 2

It is too easy in a world where we are so bound by the physical, and so caught up in the current events and so caught up in the social movements of the days that in efforts to do good things and talk about good things we slowly set aside the most important things. And Christianity, as it begin to take its eye off the gospel, the church loses its way.
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James 2:1-13 Part 2

Partiality is one of those sins that we might think is not that big of a deal. A sermon on partiality, favoritism, it’s not good but it is not that bad. James says it is that bad. Its deplorable, its heinous and he is going to tell us why.
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James 2:1-13 Part 1

Partiality is one of those sins that we might think is not that big of a deal. A sermon on partiality, favoritism, it’s not good but it is not that bad. James says it is that bad. Its deplorable, its heinous and he is going to tell us why.
assorted books on brown wooden shelf

Ephesians 3:7-13 Part 2

There is some natural human affinity to a group of people or a place so they show up, but that a is different than to say they are a part of the body of Christ
assorted books on brown wooden shelf

Ephesians 3:7-13 Part 1

There is some natural human affinity to a group of people or a place so they show up, but that a is different than to say they are a part of the body of Christ