Broadcasts on Personal Holiness
James 5:12 Part 2
When you make an oath in the name of God you absolutely must keep it.
James 5:12 Part 1
When you make an oath in the name of God you absolutely must keep it.
Ephesians 5:1-7 Part 1
The more dim our view of God the more like the world we are going to be
Proverbs 26:13-16 Part 1
The soul of the sluggard craves and gets nothing. It is not a lack of desire, it is a lack of effort.
John 17 Part 8
Who trusts in the plan of God more than Jesus? And yet knowing that plan, believing in that plan, and submitting to that plan, He still prays.
John 17 Part 7
Who trusts in the plan of God more than Jesus? And yet knowing that plan, believing in that plan, and submitting to that plan, He still prays.
John 17 Part 6
Who trusts in the plan of God more than Jesus? And yet knowing that plan, believing in that plan, and submitting to that plan, He still prays.
John 17 Part 5
Who trusts in the plan of God more than Jesus? And yet knowing that plan, believing in that plan, and submitting to that plan, He still prays.
John 17 Part 4
Who trusts in the plan of God more than Jesus? And yet knowing that plan, believing in that plan, and submitting to that plan, He still prays.
John 17 Part 3
Who trusts in the plan of God more than Jesus? And yet knowing that plan, believing in that plan, and submitting to that plan, He still prays.