"satisfaction" Tagged Broadcasts

"satisfaction" Tagged Broadcasts

open book photograph

James 1:19-25 Part 1

It is the language of mortification. putting sin to death, casting it away and killing it. Quoting John Owen, “if you are not killing sin, it will be killing you.” All of these things that you have been saved from, must be rid form you life.
mountains under cloudy blue sky

Philippians 4:10-13 Part 2

The secret to Biblical contentment is being satisfied in the middle of the story; resting in God’s providence even when we haven’t seen the end
mountains under cloudy blue sky

Philippians 4:10-13 Part 1

The secret to Biblical contentment is being satisfied in the middle of the story; resting in God’s providence even when we haven’t seen the end
sun rays inside cave

Philippians 4:5 Part 2

In the face of difficulty and opposition, remember Christ is there to strengthen you and answer your prayer.