"gospel" Tagged Broadcasts
1 Peter 2:1-3 Part 2
In order to grow in Christ, there are some things need to be removed, responsibilities that need to take place, results with rewards after
1 Peter 2:1-3 Part 1
In order to grow in Christ, there are some things need to be removed, responsibilities that need to take place, results with rewards after
1 Corinthians 15:1-11 Part 2
It is too easy in a world where we are so bound by the physical, and so caught up in the current events and so caught up in the social movements of the days that in efforts to do good things and talk about good things we slowly set aside the most important things. And Christianity, as it begin to take its eye off the gospel, the church loses its way.
1 Corinthians 15:1-11 Part 1
The issue in chapter 15 is the bodily resurrection of people, not Jesus, that is the question…
James 5:19-20 Part 2
There are times when there is a catastrophic shift, but most often when we find someone has walked away it is typically a series of small almost imperceptible, certainly incremental that have led them to where they are.
James 5:13-18 Part 2
You’re in a situation and in circumstances that when other look at it, they would say, “that’s tough.” That is some of you today. James has instruction for you is “pray.”
James 5:13-18 Part 1
You’re in a situation and in circumstances that when other look at it, they would say, “that’s tough.” That is some of you today. James has instruction for you is “pray.”
James 5:12 Part 1
When you make an oath in the name of God you absolutely must keep it.
James 5:7-11 Part 2
I know it’s hard to look up, but Jesus our lord and our judge is standing at the door. We live in the last days, and Jesus will come again and make all things right!
James 5:1-6 Part 1
The false security that wealth provides and the dangers that come along with it.