Broadcasts from February 2024

Broadcasts from February 2024

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James 4:11-12 Part 1

James understands the centrality of the ethic of love among believers. How crucial it is as a test of genuine faith. You simply cannot claim to know God and hate your brother.
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James 4:4-12 Part 4

How do we live in this world and be faithful? How do we overcome this world? How do we overcome this drive in us to feed ourselves, to please ourselves… the problem fundamentally is friendship with the world.
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James 4:4-12 Part 3

How do we live in this world and be faithful? How do we overcome this world? How do we overcome this drive in us to feed ourselves, to please ourselves… the problem fundamentally is friendship with the world.
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James 4:4-12 Part 2

How do we live in this world and be faithful? How do we overcome this world? How do we overcome this drive in us to feed ourselves, to please ourselves… the problem fundamentally is friendship with the world.