Broadcasts from June 2023

Broadcasts from June 2023

assorted books on brown wooden shelf

Colossians 1:18-20 Part 1

It’s important that we separate the work of Christ, from the work of the Father. But everything we said of the character of God when we looked at the trinity, everything we said of the character of the The Father is true of God the Son. Nevertheless, what is true of the nature of God the Father is true of the nature of the Son. He is God!
assorted books on brown wooden shelf

Colossians 1:15-20 Part 2

It’s important that we separate the work of Christ, from the work of the Father. But everything we said of the character of God when we looked at the trinity, everything we said of the character of the The Father is true of God the Son. Nevertheless, what is true of the nature of God the Father is true of the nature of the Son. He is God!
assorted books on brown wooden shelf

Colossians 1:15-20 Part 1

It’s important that we separate the work of Christ, from the work of the Father. But everything we said of the character of God when we looked at the trinity, everything we said of the character of the The Father is true of God the Son. Nevertheless, what is true of the nature of God the Father is true of the nature of the Son. He is God!
assorted books on brown wooden shelf

Isaiah 6:1-8 Part 2

Who will reign next, and the stability of the kingdom is in question. And we see the king not on an earthly throne but on the throne of the universe. The earth is but the footstool of this king… He is the Lord.