Broadcasts on Godly Living (Page 3)

Broadcasts on Godly Living (Page 3)

brown rocky mountain near body of water during daytime

James 1:1-4 Part 2

Its never my responsibility to compare my trials to you, it is my responsibility to deal with the trials that God has brought into my life… whatever God brings into our lives, we will see he brings it in for a purpose, and he brings into our lives what we need for his purposes in his timing
brown rocky mountain near body of water during daytime

James 1:2-4 Part 1

Its never my responsibility to compare my trials to you, it is my responsibility to deal with the trials that God has brought into my life… whatever God brings into our lives, we will see he brings it in for a purpose, and he brings into our lives what we need for his purposes in his timing
landscape photography of splitted road surrounded with trees

Proverbs Part 4 Various Passages

Self-focus, self-promotion, these are all virtues of our age. It is all me, me, me. These are things, glorying in ourselves, trusting in ourselves, putting ourselves first, that are all characteristic of sinful pride
landscape photography of splitted road surrounded with trees

Proverbs Part 3 Various Passages

Self-focus, self-promotion, these are all virtues of our age. It is all me, me, me. These are things, glorying in ourselves, trusting in ourselves, putting ourselves first, that are all characteristic of sinful pride
landscape photography of splitted road surrounded with trees

Proverbs Part 2 Various Passages

How can we make decisions in every aspect of our life that is consistent with God’s wisdom, God’s purposes, God’s wisdom?
landscape photography of splitted road surrounded with trees

Proverbs Part 1 Various Passages

How can we make decisions in every aspect of our life that is consistent with God’s wisdom, God’s purposes, God’s wisdom?
landscape photography of splitted road surrounded with trees

Proverbs 26:13-16 Part 2

The soul of the sluggard craves and gets nothing. It is not a lack of desire, it is a lack of effort. 
landscape photography of splitted road surrounded with trees

Proverbs 26:13-16 Part 1

The soul of the sluggard craves and gets nothing. It is not a lack of desire, it is a lack of effort.
landscape photography of splitted road surrounded with trees

Proverbs 18 Part 2

Jesus living a sinless life includes the fact that Jesus never spoke a word that was sinful, He never gossiped, He never slandered, He never spoke a lie, He never told even a little bit of an off joke, He never once even laughed at something that was inappropriate. Jesus never once sinned with His mouth. That is who we worship!